Dott.ssa Dolores Munari Poda
She performs her activity as a Psychologist and Psychotherapist in Turin.
She is a TSTA-P in clinical filed. She teaches at different specialization schools for psychotherapy and Master classes in Padua, Rome and Turin.
In 2009 she received the Berne Price for her contribution in bringing TA closer to the world of children and adolescents.
She is a founding partner and honorary president of ITACA.
The double volume entitled “Il Posto delle fragole” (The place of the strawberries) collects a selection of her articles. Stories originated in the analysis room that comunicate through reflections, words, drawings, games and poetry, the inner world of some “little people” she was lucky enough to meet.
“La mamma è partita per un lungo viaggio” (Mother left for a long journey), 2014
“Fanita English: parcours de vie”, 2013
“Il gioco nella terapia con i bambini” (The game in therapy with children), 2012